Big Island adventure

 We decided we were going to split our time on Big island and stay on both the East and the West costs. The first half we would fly into Hilo and stay there as our base to explore and not far from The Volcano national park. Hilo is the USA’s wettest city, and despite the forecast the sun was blazing every day!

We set off on our adventure for a full day in the national park. We could have spent a lot longer there it is fascinating. We had a number of recommendations from our host where we were staying and had a chat with one of the Rangers. Having mapped out our walks and picked up a packed lunch we were off. Only a short way in driving to our first hike destination did we start to feel like we had landed on another planet. I cannot describe this place that would ever do it justice, it’s truly amazing. An island sculpted by fire ice and water… Breathtaking!

The Kilauea iki trail across a hardened lava lake was our first encounter. You can still hear the volcano rumblings as you hike through the forest and then down into a crater lava lake. Whilst the lava twinkles in the sun with the olivine crystals, stream jets hiss and bubble reminding you that the volcano is far from dormant. 

As we continued round the park we saw some petroglyphs which are carving in the lava. Some of which were used by the Hawaiian people to offer the umbilical chords from the babies. 

The lava is vast and covers for miles further then you can see across the entire island. There are various types and in some parts huge cross sections cut out to allow the road to go through. You can see where the lava has pushed to the oceans as well as stunning black beaches. Some of the park was closed due to the high sulphur levels current being produced by the volcano. 


Later we headed to the Jagger museum and to admire the volcano which is smoking and bubbling away with the glow of lava. The last major activity was in June 2015 when part of the crater wall collapsed triggering a small eruption. We hung around for night fall to see the lava glowing and were not disappointed.   What an absolute fantastic day!

 Next day we decided to explore some of the areas around the Hilo region. To begin with we headed out for the famous Rainbow falls. There were no rainbows whilst we were there, just a few idiots who were not respecting nature and tempting fate by climbing on the edge of the falls

As you followed the path round the back of the falls you came across one humungus banyan tree which was beautiful. You could actually go inside is giant matted trunk like a magical maze. Fascinating and the weird way my photo came out below sort of sums up the feeling there…


After the falls we headed to Richardson state park. A less well known area frequented mostly by locals. Here we started our search of Honu (turtles) and enjoy all the small beaches, rock pools etc. 


From the shore we saw so many green sea turtles. The relaxing stroll and climbing over the lava rock pools was great then the sudden excitement when we would spot another turtle or group of turtles. Whilst we dare not to change snorkling in the water here as it was pretty rough, on the other hand we did not need to as could see so much through the crystal clear water and the rock pools. 

We continued on to coconut island and to wander around the  Liliʻuokalani Park and Gardens. 
The set our spirits on going to the botanic gardens where we enjoyed a stroll and taking in all the beautiful sights and smells. The gardens went all the way down to the sea where you could see the legendary twin rocks. 

That evening we are at a newly opened restaurant in town. It became the most over priced and dull dining experiences say so don’t ask about cafe Pesto, $40 for a mediocre risotto. We had to put things right and headed to open mike night in the Hilo tavern pub. Every kind of act you could imagine and the “dark and stormy” cocktails left a fuzzy end to the night.  One of the stars , made us chuckle!!! 


What an end to 2015, Mahalo… Aloha 2016!

New Year’s Eve we decided for a chilled day and went for a beach walk and chill by the beaches in Kaanapali. It’s a beautiful area but also very touristy and a lot of high class hotels on the beach front. 

We came to the Whalers village and did a little shopping before deciding that we would head back to our hotel as had a special event booked for New Year’s Eve. 

The old Lahaina Luau also came highly recommended and we had booked far in advance which meant we had fantastic table reservations. Having arrived too early we headed next door to a little bar for happy hour $3 dollar Mai tai and $1.75 Buds. Unbelievable!  So already in a good mood we arrived at the Luau to receive our beautiful Leis and introduced to our server for the night. 

We played some traditional Hawaiian games which was similar to bowling, and I managed to win yet again!  Next was the digging up of the pig from the Kalua, an oven pit in the ground where it had lay for about 30 hours cooking. Not good to have front row view bring a vegetarian!

Dinner and the show was fantastic. A history of Hawaii, dances and the people. It was beautiful and with the warm haze of never ending Mai Tai’s and other cocktails it was even more mesmerising. 


We decided to walk, or sway our way back to our apartment and watch the firework and celebrate from our Lanai. We managed to get back before midnight even despite the large number of galleries which were open late tempting us with beautiful art pieces and plying us with local pineapple wine. A very happy new year!!!

Welcome to 2016!  With slightly fuzzy and sleepy heads we decided on an easy day. First we took a little stroll into the town for a little shopping before relaxing at our apartment, reading and soaking up our beautiful view

We both absolutely loved Maui and hope to return one day. Our last morning we let our Lei go into the sea with prayers and thoughts for our family and friends. Tale will have it that if the Lei comes back to shore, you will return one day. I really hope we do…


More Maui

You may have heard of the “road to Hana”.  Wiki says “Although Hāna is only about 52 miles (84 km) from Kahului, it takes about 2.5 hours to drive when no stops are made as the highway is very winding and narrow and passes over 59 bridges, 46 of which are only one lane wide.There are approximately 620 curves along Route 360 from just east of Kahului to Hāna, virtually all of it through lush, tropical rainforest. Many of the concrete and steel bridges date back to 1910”

What wiki does not tell you is how AWESOME this is to drive, and you need to keep your wits about you and your passengers need strong stomachs. Erich even bought a “survivors shirt” in Hana!  Also note I am still the driver despite the change of sides! We knew it would be a long day and wanted to do some walks past Hana on the Pipiwai trail in the Halekala national park. We were up at 5 and the sun had just risen as we hit the Hana road. Only seeing a couple of locals on the drive was amazing and more to be said for the way back. 

Black sand on the beaches from the volcano

 We were at our trails by 9 am but sadly due to a lot of rainfall the pools and waterfalls we wanted to swim in were not possible as so dangerous, at risk of flash flood and also brown from a the sudden water. Still we set off on an extremely sloppy muddy path to go through the bamboo forest and see the Waimoku falls

Entrance to bamboo forest

It was beautiful and a truly unique walk or mud slide and we returned covered in mud, hot and devoured by mosquitoes.  The seven efficient pools above that you normally could swim in looked like the chocolate river from Charlie and the Chocolate factory. Still it was all well worth it!

On the way back we stopped at some of the beaches including Black sands beach, Koki beach and also watch some surfers on Ho’okipa beach.

The drive back took hours and traffic was heavy but we were appeased by spotting whales along the way and rewarded by a most beautiful sun set again taken from the car window…even traffic jams are beautiful in Maui!

Next morning was another early start to do some more exploring on the Halekala national park but this time on the volcano crater rim. Another fantastic drive to the park entrance then another 45 minutes on a twisty windy road to the top!  You get out your car like you’ve landed on another planet…

You can see some other Hawaiian or “Sandwich” islands around. This one in the distance is Big Island which is our next destination and also has a lot of volcanic activity. 

 Not well equipped to do any major hikes and also knowing we had to be back pretty early for Bettys beach cafe!  

Bettys on a Wednesday was lobster night!!! Careful to make sure we made it back for happy hour we got a prime seat on the terrace which meant we could also watch the Hawaiian luau next door. We shared a starter and prepared ourselves for our yummy lobsters…

They didn’t last long and so decided on a desert treat. We thought it was strange that after we ordered one desert the waitress said thanks and went to walk away. So my desert was pretty big and I did not even manage half. Erichs was an enormous mud pie and he pretty much polished if all off washed down with a couple more cocktails. I don’t know who was more surprised me or the waitress!

I don’t know if he’s looking at the plate or his tummy!!!


Marvellous Maui

Maui, the place is one giant picture postcard full of beauty and adventure. This place came highly recommended by so many different people and different reasons. It’s fair to say it’s our favourite so far. 

This place was our ultimate treat week and booked ourselves a luxury apartment direct on the beach in Lahaina. This was our view which welcomed us, with a most stunning sunset to boot.  All you hear in you room is the lapping of the waves…absolute bliss.

The next morning was an early start as we’re heading out on a snorkling tour on a catamaran. The destination had to be changed as there had been some rain overnight which meant that the wart had been cloudy. This was ok and we headed off to a place called “baby beach”.   

The snorkling was amazing, crystal clean and only a few meter deep but full of fish of every colour and shape you could imagine. The trumpet fish were particularity strange to see as well as some of the huge sea urchins. Erich and I were both diving down to get a closer look. I was so fascinated with the fish I did not notice that a beautiful green turtle (known as Honu to the Hawaiians) swam right in front of me. As I looked it it took me be complete surprise and startled me. I shot to the surface to find Erich and trying to shout “turtle” still with snorkle in mouth. I was the only one to see one apart from the captain on the boat who also saw my encounter. Absolutely made my day. The catamaran cruise continued and we found another great snorkling spot with a reef again full of all varieties of fish. It was a wonderful first day and the first taste of the Maui Mai Tai’s server by the crew on a return to harbour.   

Upon the catamaran we had got a flimsy of some humpback whale spouts. Whale season had started on the 15the December and we were both keen to see more. We booked a trip for the. Ext morning on the whale response boat with only 4 other people. 

Setting of early and very excited I was soon jumping up and shouting “there she blows”, the call we were given if we spotted a whale. We sped off to try and get closer but also respecting the distance which have to be kept from these amazing creatures.  We were spoilt from the start with tail slapping, and swimming alongside the boat before the big tail came out indicating the whale had done a deep dive. Next minute I the distance I saw a whale doing a full breach out the water. We set off again the the direction I was pointing and again we rewarded with more whales. I seemed to have a lot of look with the spotting and picked up on the Wales well. We even saw spinner dolphins too 

 My better picture and videos are not on my phone but just a glimpse of some of what we saw. The great finale was we saw a female being chased by two males who both wanted to mate. We went all side the in our boat whilst the chase continued with twists in the water, tail slaps, the head coming right out the water and lots more. An amazing amazing day we will never forget!