Our last days in Hawaii

We had decided to split our Big Island adventure into two halves. After Hilo we were heading over to the Kona side for our last few days. 

Again we had a very fun adventurous drive wth sunning views and beautiful stops along the way including the Akaka falls and sacred Waipio valley


We had a apartment in Kona which would be our base for the last few days on the island. Upon arrival we were welcomed by local fruits and chocolates left by our hosts and a wonderful apartment. We headed out to test the local beers at Humpys bar and do a little local shopping and exploring.   That evening the sunset was stunning and we sat on the sea wall and enjoyed a beautiful end to the day

Next morning we were up and out early to find a highly recommended snorkle point called “two steps” at Honayna Bay in south Kona. This is literally two steps from the lava edge which go direct into the sea. Erich had to head off on his own whilst I watch from the shore this day thanks to an nice insect sting I had received. Still I could see so much from the shore and watching Erichs excitement and feedback on all the different kind of fish and sea creatures was brilliant. 

Right next to “Two steps”. Was the Pu’uhonua o Honanua Historic park.   This was once the home of Royal grounds and a sacred area for the Hawaiian people. It’s a beautiful area to walk around and we even more of a thrill to see more sea turtles in the wake and on the little lava rock pools. 

A place for peace and reflection I could have spent hours here, Erich too as he wondered off exploring the rock pools and finding more turtles and amazing fish. The turtles had quite an influence and as a result decided to purchase a piece of local artwork from artist Alex Gupton which he would personalise and send to our home in Switzerland. A lovely reminder of our Honu experiences

We made it back for a cocktail and see the sun set. Whilst not as spectacular as the previous evening it was still stunning and a little sad to know we only had one more left to see on these beautiful islands


For our evening we had booked a table at our local Lava Java with a wonderful table looking out to the sea, romantic candles and a acoustic singer in the background. With our bring your own wine it was a very enjoyable and relaxed evening.  It was going to be very hard to leave this paradise in a few days time. 

The next morning we decided to take a nice scenic hour drive north to a little artsy town called Hawi. A beautiful little place which we could not leave without buying a little something to contribute to our art collection. We then continued a little further on to the Polulu valley. When you see pictures of Hawaii, this is the place. Quite a steep hike down to the valley bottom to the sea and then a real challenge coming back up on the slippy dry dirt track that was very steep and in sweltering heat. Still was amazing. 

When returning to the car (which I had pretty much abondoned at the side of the road and half in a bush) did we only notice the giant spiders nests of “happy face spiders”. I know why they were so happy, they were huge!!!

We quickly headed off to find a local cafe and a well rewarded giant ice cream for Erich and some mango juice for the driver. Again a dash back for set set and a totally touristy evening meal at the Bubba Gump restaurant. Well you have to try it once and we were actually pleasantly surprised, especially the cocktails!!!

Our last morning we had to go shopping, facing only colder weather countries ahead of us and no warm clothes, where better to go shopping than Hawaii. Stood in the department store trying on layers and fillers whist over 35 degrees outside we got some strange looks and stares as well as the shop assistant checking we “were OK”. After explaining we had New York ahead of us she quickly understand and was only too glad we were clearing out all their winter gear which was lucky for us all in the sale. Shopping complete and suitcases full we said goodbye to our beautiful temporary home and headed to Kona airport with very heavy hearts. Still we could get a nice meal and some drinks in the first class lounge at the airport to take our minds of things…

… Or could we. Let me set the scene. Kona airport has no roof, well majority. There is one secirity scanner just outside and one conveyorbelt to take the bags. The seats are purely benches, one small newspaper shop and one gift shop. One tiny bar which serves food with a warning on the door not enough seats. So no business class lounge. Still we got a couple of beers and I bought a pack of cards to while away the time. An hour later the bar maid barred us from playing cards (having watched us for half an hour) stating its like gambling. So the wait got longer and we went to pick a spot on a bench to continue the hand. The smallest airport I’ve ever seen!!!

So Hawaii was amazing, I really cannot use words to give it justice. We both absolutely loved it and said we will be back one day. Really we were spoilt, but our adventures did not stop there… Next stop America mainland. San Francisco here we come!!!

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