San Diego delights!

San Diego, finally a place I had been to and Erich had not. Again only a flying visit lined up but a very exciting one. 

It was a later arrival this time, so we quickly left our bags at our hotel and headed out for some dinner. After walking and checking out some of the gas lamp quarter we headed into a Brewery/ sports bar. Buger and beer night for Erich and for me I discovered my new favourite cocktail. So much so I cannot remember what I ate… Check out the cucumber bliss and my favourite flavour is elderflower all included in the St Germain liquer 

A great start to our stay in San Diego, we stayed and talked to the bar manager for some time before stumbling back to our hotel to ensure a good nights sleep because tomorrow was an exciting day. 

Tickets booked about 10 months in advance it was a day at San Diego zoo. Having jumped off the bus too early with excitement, we had to be told by the bus driver to get back on. One of my favourite places ever, I was luckyenough to be taken here by my parents as part of my 30th birthday holiday. My favourite animal being the Koala, I had located them on the map and run to the enclosure as soon as the gates opened, only to my dismay to find them not there. A new “outback” was being built for the fuzzy friends and they were in a small temporary enclosure at the other end of the park. 

 NOT THIS TIME!  Outback was fully open.   As soon as the gates opened we were there.  Again to see these beautiful little furry friends was wonderful and we spent some good time there chatting to the keepers and watching the quite livly stars (livly for koalas anyway). 
Promising to be back to visit several times during the day we went off to jump the zoo bus and make the tour of the park. 

There was a new baby giraffe, baby panda and a full show on with singing apes and an old momma orang-utan. 

  We walked for miles and was literally being kicked out the door at closing we could have spent days here not just a day and look forward to going back again one day


We headed into the gas lamp quarter again in the evening and found a place called “the melting pot”. Famous for its fondue we thought we would give it a try and compare to the Swiss equivalent. As we entered we waited for a table and had another wonderful cocktail whilst checking out the very confusing menu. Several courses, several types of fondue and dishes we had no idea. Having been shown to our table we asked for guidance from our lovely waitress Malory. 

She explained… To start we both pick a type of cheese fondue. This is served in front of you with bread and potatoes. You both then picked a salad of your choice (which was huge by the way). You both then agreed on a “bouillon fondue” which you also pick 3 options each of fish, meal, Vegies or pasta to go in. One of mine was an entire salmon fillet and Erichs a steak! So at near explosion, for desert you both then decide on which chocolate fondue to share which comes with a big plate selection of deserts, fruits, nuts and marshmallows to dip in. It was a taste sensation but on the edge of bursting we were beaten and only managed a fraction

Our waitress was lovely and we told her of our adventures and travels and she made us a decorated plate to send us with luck on our way. Really a lovely evening but we could not move 

I had found an amazing sounding cocktail bar online, El Dorodos which was en route back to our hotel so we somehow crawled there and checked out the menu.  You would never even notice this place if you didn’t know it was there.  I challenged the waiter to make me something with elderflower and Erich picked something fancy sounding. This bar was probably one of the coolest and unique bars I’ve ever been too and the DJ was mixing David Bowie songs in the background to pay tribute the the legend which had sadly just passed away. We drank a toast to him and enjoy his music genius in the great atmosphere and surroundings 

 Awesome place and awesome night. 

Our last day in San Diego we wanted to see the gas lamp quarter during the day and head down to the harbour for a walk. 

A little shopping, and a great place to people watch and see the world go by. wd ended by watching a boat regatta and seeing the sun set. 

We were off to the airport again that evening but had a wonderful relaxed day and were both excited for our next and final destination. New York baby!!!

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